Get your confidence back and come into your
Divine Love, Wisdom & Power.

With these programs, Shamelessly:

  • Express Authentically, from your own Truth, without fear.
  • Unapologetically, with Confidence, follow your passions.
  • Attract Healthy Relationships, in all areas of life.
  • Connect with your inner Wisdom, no longer depending on outside sources.
  • Take action from your Divine Power, a balance of masculine & feminine.
  • Live from Divine Love for yourself and others.
  • Set Boundaries that honor you and others.
  • Let go, flow and fearlessly enjoy dancing in your Feminine
  • Receive tools that will benefit you for a lifetime.
  • And far more.......the  Benefits are LIMITLESS
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What does shame do?

Shame holds us back from living an authentic life. We have become so used to being shamed by others, beginning in our childhood. Fast forward to today.  We now shame ourselves without even realizing it.
How often did you stop yourself from saying or doing something that came from your inner light, because of fear of being embarrassed, feeling ashamed, or not good enough?

Is this you?
  1. Constantly people pleasing. 
  2. Silently craving approval and acceptance.
  3. Always doing for others and losing yourself.
  4. Afraid to say or do something wrong.
  5. Attracting unhealthy relationships. Possibly those that are takers, narcissists, or controlling.
  6. Ashamed to give yourself self-love, in fear of being selfish.
  7. Feel guilty setting boundaries.
  8. A perfectionist or an overachiever. 
Does it hurt enough to do something about it?
You Are Worthy of Love & Connection as You Are
It’s time to release the shame that keeps your authentic self hidden

Facing shame and its negative patterns in your life may sound uncomfortable, or even scary. And to be honest, it can be.

But there is a powerful, transformational release that comes into play.

You think you are intentionally choosing your emotions. But when you block the bad feelings, you block the good as well. By numbing shame, you numb joy.

When you choose to feel your way through shame, you also choose to let in everything good: Love. Wonder. Playfulness. Excitement. Joy. And that’s how you begin to take your feminine flow and power back.
With your heart open and aligned with your body, mind, and energy, you can choose to reframe your narrative. And begin to see your worth.

You can choose to stop hiding and playing small/big. No need to seek approval. Embrace yourself unconditionally and live a fulfilling life with meaningful connections.

You are worthy of love and connection as you are.

It’s possible.

It’s worth fighting for

And it begins with you
We Support YOU to become a Shame Cycle Breaker
A taste of what will you experience?

  • Your painful hidden emotions get heard and seen with love and compassion allows you to release and let go.
  • You get to process your shame in a doubly supportive safe space.
  • You will be able to take your power back by mastering your inner critic, so you can pull yourself out of the negative self-talk and self-sabotage.
  • You will be able to cultivate self-compassion as a daily healthy habit.
  • You will know how to feel safe in order to allow the flow and magic of your intuition into your life fully.
  • You will feel more confident in letting go of control and allow the flow of creativity to create the life you desire.
  • You will become more resilient and begin to feel a deep sense of confidence in your feminine flow and power.
  • Stop unconsciously passing on the energy of shame to others, including your children.
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Meet Your Expert Guide

 “Life is NOT about waiting for the storm to pass, it IS about learning to dance in the rain.” 
Diana K Pascos, Emotional Freedom Coaching & Energy Shifter

I'm Diana, an Emotional Freedom Coach, and Energy Shifter, combining a wide range of modalities. 

My goal is to guide you through the journey of awakening the light within you, to consciously create your life. 

Advanced Tapping Practitioner, Strategic Intervention Coach,  Multi-Dimensional Energy Shifter, Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner, 5D Breathwork Teacher, Reiki & Sound Reiki Master, Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher. 

I will be your guide on your journey to everything being possible. You consciously creating your life and not living by default. Living the life you desire, through emotional freedom. 

I have always been intrigued by the mind and the way we interact in the world. I have found fascination in learning what makes people who they are, the patterns they have created for themselves, how those can be transformed, and how we can learn to live more fulfilled, connected lives. 

I firmly believe that there is so much joy and happiness in the world and our lives are full of ENDLESS possibilities, opportunities, and adventures. We are capable of achieving all of our heart’s desires when we know what our blocks are and how we can remove them to live out our purpose. 

What People Are Saying

“I wanted to thank you Diana. So much for our sessions over the past few months. I feel like you’ve been a secret weapon in my back pocket and have completely transformed my relationship with my business. As I mentioned –The last session we had together totally transformed me. It shifted my perspective and allowed me to come back home to myself in a way I’m not sure I could have done on my own. I cleared up all of my energy leaks, and it transformed my business. I feel like I’m standing so deeply in my own power which has made me so magnetic. I appreciate your support, and the way that you are able to so quickly and easily target exactly what I’m struggling with, and support me in feeling through it. Thank you Diana!” Kelley
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“My experience with Diana has been nothing but positive. I found her easy to open up to and she related with my experiences without judgment. I believe our conversations were a catalyst for me to take a genuine look at where I was and the situation I was in as the momentum of my past few years came to a stop. She helped me be accountable for where I am and assisted me in focusing on where I wished to go next in my journey, which helped me in getting up and over the plateau I had reached. Although we had not met in person, Diane radiated the enthusiasm and pureness of a charitable heart. For me, she has been one of my Earth Angels… G’chi Miigwetch ,Big Thank you Diana 💗” Maria

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What You'll Get in This 12-Week Program

✅ Enjoy LIFETIME access to the Vault

Receive 3 PRIVATE 1.5-hour Sessions

✅ Receive the Rooted in the Heart Course

✅ Receive the 777 Series

Receive the Energy Clearing, Grounding & Protecting Course
Get a deeper look into shame. What it looks and feels like.
Tapping aka EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Clear unexpressed emotions using a variety of modalities and Inner Child work.
Discover your authentic self and live from that space
Multi-Dimensional Breathwork & Sound Healing
Becoming responsive rather than reactive
Meditation & Energy Healing using Sound Reiki & Multi-Dimensional Energy Work.
Come into your power and stop giving it away
Learn the most powerful ways to connect with your emotions, to effectively release as they arise. A tool for LIFE!
Get connected to your intuition, your women's wisdom, and start trusting it.
Come into your body and begin to listen to it when it speaks to you
Live your purpose, your passion.
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© 2023 Becoming Shameless. Copyright.